Join Aurora Private Equity

Aurora is open to new members who see the sense in these times of low interest rates and stock market jitters of investing in high growth companies. Unlike other angel groups, Aurora does not require members to commit to invest a fixed amount annually. We would be delighted to meet you informally to discuss (contact us). We are based in Grampian, Scotland.  You may apply online here.

Putting some of your hard-earned cash to work in high-growth companies is one credible way to grow your capital. You don’t have to be one of the ‘super rich’ to do this. Members of Aurora decide for themselves if they want to invest or not in carefully-selected opportunities. If they do, typical amounts fall between £1,000 and £100,000.

Funds raised from our members may be increased by partnership with the Scottish Investment Bank. Collaboration with other angel groups can enable us to further increase total funds raised. Collectively, our investments range between £50,000 and £500,000.